With greater experience than any single competitor, Vogt Ice has the capability to deliver automatic ice production solutions. Whether your output is one or 125 tons per day, Vogt can provide the engineered solutions to exceed your expectations for service, quality and long-lasting ice manufacturing.
Ice Rakes
Rakes (10-400 tons storage) FROM 20 TO 400 TON CAPACITIES USDA APPROVED WIDER SELECTION WITH MORE OPTIONS STURDIER EQUIPMENT FOR HEAVIER DUTY THE FLEXIBILITY OF PROVEN EQUIPMENT TURBO has been manufacturing ice handling products since 1967, applying ice making technology and solving ice storage and handling problems for all these years. The products demonstrated here incorporate functionally interrelated features, designed to deliver extended, dependable performance with minimum maintenance. Flexibility built-in to store and discharge any kind of ice: flake, tube, plate, or shell. RODUCT QUALITY – The use of one or more ice rakes allows theice to “cure”. Ice delivered to a rake in a below freezing room can have residual moisture removed. The dryer (and colder) the ice, the easier to handle. [...]
Thermal Energy Storage
Thermal Energy Storage Equipment Replacement: Current Vogt HP / FTS / ATS equipment has been used to replace Avalanche Ice Harvesting systems and Ice Master Harvesting TES systems. In most cases, the existing storage tank can be retained. Vogt Thermal Energy Storage Equipment can be modified to utilize an existing tank and chilled water distribution system preventing costly system overhaul. Upgrading In Place Equipment: Existing HP and IGC equipment can be upgraded with an increase in efficiency and improvement in reliability. Among the Areas of Upgrading: Flat bottom water pans – replace the ‘V’ notch pans and offer a more even flow of water onto the active area of the plates. Corrosion resistant defrost valves – Revised Thermal Expansion Valve piping lengthens life [...]